AVR309 by Vb6

This project is another project by AVR309. AVR309 project is popular usb project that design by igor secko. The written languge for this project is assembly , this project is very useful project , that have many parameter for a ideal project . by this project you can control port and direction , read and write in internal eeprom,a uart by maximum baud rate 115200 and minimum 9600 and infra red viewer. The project have a pc interface project write in delphi . many people don't know anything about Delphi languge and there are use of Vb6 basic language. So I write a project in Vb6. By this project you can setup the port direction for input or output. The project is sample for comminucation of usb to device.
You can download sample project here.
Major website of author http://www.cesko.host.sk/ .

The sample schematic by ATmega8 is proved.