rrr Robot By AT89C2051

At first time this project was a wireless car toys control by 2 mcs. then i edited this project for a pc project.
this project is controled by pc , you can direct the robot by pc keyboard .
key is for stop the robot.
this robot can be record the BE TRAVERSED of way to a log file and can be plaing again to ways of traversed.
mcs of circuit is AT89c2051, code of mcs is very sample.
the At89c2051 get data of pc in baudrate 1200.
my Sender,Recivermodule is worked in 315MHZ.
my robot motor driver is l298, please refer to circuit of reciver.
in tranciver circuit i use a pnp transistor for invert data to send (same as MAX232) . and APPREHENSIBLE for mcs of reciver.
your power supply must provide 12v/3A.

Schematic of sender:

Schematic of Reciver:

the pc program is writing in vb6.
if device is not connect to pc , the application proved a error "device not Define".

led's on reciver circuit are for ways of show.

you can download Sourcecode Here.